Prof. Gerhard Poll
Short biography
After completing his studies in mechanical engineering, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Poll was Focus on automotive engineering as research assistant at the Institute for Rail Vehicles and Conveyor Technology at RWTH Aachen University (subject area:wear and tear of materials).
After his doctorate in 1983 he worked with a focus on electrical Drive systems and rail vehicles at SKF ball bearing factories, Schweinfurt.
From 1987 to 1992 Prof. Dr. Poll was project manager at SKF engineering and Research Center in Nieuwegen (Netherlands) in the field of tribology.
Afterwards he is the head of research and development for sealed rolling bearing units at the company CR-Industries (part of the SKF Group) in Elgin (USA, Illinois).
Since 1996, Professor Dr. Poll has been a professor for machine elements and Design Engineering Head of the Institute for Machine Design and Tribology of the Leibniz University of Hannover.